leadership award

It is time to nominate individuals for the Larry Findley Leadership Award!

Nomination Form  Deadline May 1, 2025


To recognize outstanding staff members whose leadership has made significant impact and contributions to the students at Box Elder High School. This award is a meaningful way to recognize and thank those who are dedicated to making a difference in the lives of BEHS students.


Any member of the Box Elder High School staff is eligible for this award. This includes teachers, aides, administrators, counselors, secretaries, custodians, cooks, librarians, coaches, drill leaders, or any other staff member associated with Box Elder High School.


Any past or present student, parent, community member or colleague can nominate any member of the BEHS staff for this award.

The Recipient

The recipient of the Larry Findley Leadership Award will be announced and presented each year at the annual Scholarship and Awards night. The award winner will receive a $2000 cash reward and a Larry Findley Leadership plaque of recognition in their honor.

More info  - Larry Findley Leadership Award Site